The Lost Ways By Claude Davis - A Review Of This Native American Survival Handbook

the lost ways

the lost ways is an extensive, fascinating book covering almost every "forgotten" skill imaginable. It harkens back even to the common knowledge shared by early pioneers and ancestors of this great nation. It reveals how you can easily and quickly regain lost ground by applying tried-and-tested tactics to your own life.


In the lost ways, renowned author and survivalist Claude Davis re-writes the history of modern day living with an emphasis on the "green" aspect. He shares the secrets of how to prepare your daily meals and what you should know about your own health, as well as that of your family. It is not only about what you put into your mouth, but how it gets there. Davis is particularly keen on the need to educate people about healthy eating habits. He is especially concerned about the lack of focus, the western society has on what he calls "the forgotten food."


The Lost Ways tells us about American Indians such as scouting for food and locating water holes as far back as the thirteen hundreds. It is also concerned with the role of women during this era, the role of Native Americans in the labor force, the importance of knowledge on medicinal herbs, and much more. The book's focus is clearly on the survivalist aspect of the book, as it is a book devoted to the needs of the individual who wishes to survive in the extreme environment of the American Indian's homeland.

The Lost Ways By Claude Davis - A Review Of This Native American Survival Handbook


One of the most interesting aspects of The Lost Ways is the way Davis provides the reader with recipes from the many medicinal herbs he talks about and illustrates with photographs. In particular, Davis provides recipes for some of the foods we eat today that were so popular with the forefathers that they must have been very valuable to them. Some of the recipes are very delicious, while others are much better suited for a modern kitchen.

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It should be noted, however, that just because something was handed down from the older generation that means it is no longer effective. Today's recipes are more concerned with using as much fresh or as pure a product as possible. This includes using any natural resources that can still be accessed today such as the poultice or the milk of magnesia. In many ways, The Lost Ways teaches us that even though many of our natural resources may be long gone, that doesn't mean we should neglect the benefits of our forefathers' use of those resources.

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On the other hand, although the emphasis is on the medicinal uses of herbs and other natural products, the focus on today's use of these products is not necessarily medical. Recipes such as the one for make beer from poultices are meant as "recipes for survival", which is exactly what they are. But they are also used as "remedies" for sicknesses that can be serious such as the cold or flu. The main idea here is to use the various products and herbs available to make sure one never gets sick again.

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So, if you're looking for a good read about nutrition and diet, especially if you're looking for one with good nutrition and diet tips for women, then The Lost Ways is a good read. If you've already read other survival handbooks on the subject, you'll probably agree with some of the advice. For example, most books will suggest that one shouldn't eat more than the body requires for normal maintenance. So, this is a good message to hear, since eating more than you need just causes problems.


In addition, The Lost Ways also touches on the idea of combining medicinal herbs with common food substances such as flour and meal. The author, Claude Davis, makes the case for using medicinal herbs and poultices in combination with the food you eat to ensure you maintain a healthy balance of nutritional needs. It's interesting advice that is easy to follow and implement. If you're looking for a good survival guide with medicinal and/or culinary tips, then The Lost Ways by Claude Davis is certainly worth checking out.

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